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用往東造句子 用reaper造句子 寶寶吃糖丸的注意事項是什么 人絨毛膜促性腺激素是什么意思 fold造句 用fold造句子 打封閉針的壞處有哪些 年輕有為造句 用年輕有為造句子 耕作造句 用耕作造句子 肚臍眼左邊突然疼痛怎么回事 indisputable造句 用indisputable造句子 龜頭有紅點是怎么回事呢 絕種造句 絕難一見造句 喝中藥忌什么 用絕種造句子 wander造句 往東造句 霉菌性陰道炎吃什么消炎藥好 懷孕初期孕酮多少正常 用junction造句子 用總統府造句子 junction造句 總統府造句 用生活作風造句子 生活作風造句 小孩子中性粒細胞百分比偏高是怎么回事 用vocation造句子 vocation造句 用細點造句子 白眼球充血是怎么回事 用解差造句子 細點造句 用induction造句子 解差造句 induction造句 初生兒打嗝可能是什么原因呢
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來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-05-04 01:54:59


1.The grim reaper will bring change in both places soon.(死神即將給這兩個地方帶來變革。)
導讀1.The grim reaper will bring change in both places soon.(死神即將給這兩個地方帶來變革。)

造句指懂得并使用字詞,按照一定的句法規則造出字詞通順、意思完整、符合邏輯的句子。依據現代語文學科特征,可延伸為寫段、作文的基礎,是學生寫好作文的基本功。造句來源清俞樾 《春在堂隨筆》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纖巧勝?!?夏丏尊葉圣陶《文心雕龍》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 樂華 用鉛筆記錄下來?!?/p>


1、The grim reaper will bring change in both places soon.(死神即將給這兩個地方帶來變革。)

2、Whenever you fail to ask this question, you can bet there's a more important project being stalked by the Grim reaper.(每當你沒能問這個問題,就可以斷定,一件更重要的事正在靠近死神。)

3、The Predator is doing that now. And the reaper will soon join the fight.(現在“捕食者”正在這樣做,并且不久以后,“收割者”也會加入到這樣的戰斗中來的。)

4、The reaper is already here to take me to the next world.(死神已經準備好了要把我帶去另一個世界了。)

5、the grim reaper can cut life short and, under the right circumstances, whittle those still standing down to the size of pygmies.(死神可以使生命縮短,但在特定環境下也可以使活著的人變成侏儒。)

6、Predator and reaper crews use removable hard drives to load map updates and transport mission videos from one computer to another.(捕食者型和收割者型無人飛機使用移動硬盤在計算機之間更新地圖和傳輸任務視頻。)

7、Or perhaps you are taking vitamins and jogging in the hope that you can outrun the reaper.(或者可能你在服用維他命并且進行慢跑鍛煉,以期待自己能比死神跑得更快。)

8、Although death is the central theme of Halloween celebrants deal with the grim reaper only on a playful level.(盡管死亡是萬圣節的中心主題,但參加歡慶的人們都抱著一種戲謔的態度來面對死神。)

9、Another log entry tells of a reaper hide-and-seek mission above Kandahar province on the afternoon of 28 October 2008.(日志中另外一條記錄顯示,2008年10月28日下午,一架“收割機”在坎大哈上空執行“隱蔽搜索”任務。)

10、Robot weapons, such as the Predator and reaper drones, have already been used in Iraq and Afghanistan.(人形武器,例如掠奪者、收割機之類,已經在伊拉克和阿富汗投入使用。)

11、A mechanic inspects a reaper at a US air force base in Nevada.(一名機械師在美國內華達空軍基地檢查“收割機”無人機。)

12、"But the sun has set and it is growing dark," answered the reaper.(“可是太陽已落了,天馬上就黑了?!备F人回答道。)

13、Grime reaper works fast to loosen and emulsify grease and grime for easy rinse.(格里姆收割機工程快速放松和乳化油脂和污垢,便于清洗。)

14、the reaper will claim us all, yet to live is to pretend otherwise;(死神會來帶走我們所有人,而活著不過是假裝它從不存在;)

15、And what I said without even thinking about is that we don't beat the reaper by living longer.(而我毫不猶疑的回答他:僅靠多活幾天是不能戰勝死神的。)

16、Turkey wants more from its American friends, including Cobra attack helicopters and armed reaper drones.(土耳其想從他的美國盟友那里得到更多包括“眼鏡蛇”攻擊直升機和“收割者”武裝無人機在內的武器。)

17、"This is the first MQ-9 reaper crash that was due to loss of control," he said.(“這是第一架MQ-9‘收獲者’因失控而墜毀?!彼f。)

18、The system produces intelligence information collected by the U-2, RQ-4 Global Hawk, MQ-9 reaper and MQ-1 Predator aircraft.(該系統產生的情報信息由U-2,RQ-4全球鷹,MQ-9死神和MQ-1捕食者飛機收集。)

19、reaper: Guess you're going back on my list, Ana.(死神:我猜你又要回到我的獵殺名單上了,安娜。)

20、No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away. —Terry Pratchett, reaper Man.(當一個人留在世上的最后一絲漣漪都消失殆盡的時候,他才算真正的死亡?!乩?普拉切特《靈魂收割者》。)

21、Dooku then went to Thule and activated the Dark reaper in an ancient Sith city on the planet.(杜庫隨后前往圖勒,并在行星上的一座古代西斯城市中激活了黑暗收割器。)

22、Dooku searched the galaxy and found the pieces of the Dark reaper.(杜庫搜遍銀河,找到了黑暗收割器的碎片。)

23、The centers provide critical information and command and control voice connectivity for Predator and reaper missions.(這些中心為掠奪者和收割者任務提供關鍵信息和指揮與控制聲音連通性。)

24、36even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.(收割的人得工價,積蓄五谷到永生,叫撒種的和收割的一同快樂。)

25、The USAF does not know how or why operators lost control of the MQ-9 reaper Unmanned Aircraft System.(美國空軍不知道導航員何以會對MQ-9“收獲者”無人飛機系統失去控制。)

26、The reaper leaped over a heap of cheap weapons.(收割者躍過一堆廉價的武器。)

27、For the reaper will come for all of us, the question is what do we do between the time we are born and the time he shows up.(人終會有一死,關鍵是從出生的那一刻起到死神降臨的這一段時間內,我們都做了什么。)









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1.The grim reaper will bring change in both places soon.(死神即將給這兩個地方帶來變革。)
  • 熱門焦點



