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來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-05-04 01:54:56


1.He had an inherent interest in induced current and in the induction field.(他對感應電流和感應電場有著內在的興趣。)
導讀1.He had an inherent interest in induced current and in the induction field.(他對感應電流和感應電場有著內在的興趣。)

造句指懂得并使用字詞,按照一定的句法規則造出字詞通順、意思完整、符合邏輯的句子。依據現代語文學科特征,可延伸為寫段、作文的基礎,是學生寫好作文的基本功。造句來源清俞樾 《春在堂隨筆》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纖巧勝?!?夏丏尊葉圣陶《文心雕龍》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 樂華 用鉛筆記錄下來?!?/p>


1、He had an inherent interest in induced current and in the induction field.(他對感應電流和感應電場有著內在的興趣。)

2、Power is transferred to each device by direct contact rather than via a magnetic field and induction.(這樣就能直接給設備供電,無需借助磁場和感應電流。)

3、The Royal Museum's Information Desk and Lecture Theatre both have an induction loop.(皇家博物館的服務臺和瀏覽室都有一個電感環線。)

4、An inference produces a derived fact using logical induction or deduction.(推理通過使用邏輯歸納或演繹產生一個派生的事實。)

5、So whereas deduction is an either or thing and induction is a matter of degree.(但是演繹是一個二選一的東西,歸納是一種程度。)

6、induction loops are also used to power hearing-aid implants without the need for troublesome wires.(感應圈還被用于啟動助聽器植入物,而不需要那煩人的金屬絲。)

7、Schema induction from sample XML files.(來自示例XML文件的架構歸納。)

8、By contrast, the Tesla Roadster USES just one gear-such is the flexibility of its three-phase induction motor.(相反地,特斯拉跑車公司只需要動用一個傳動設備——那就是三相誘導式發動機的靈活性。)

9、But I decided to start with induction and then go into validity and truth next week.(但是我決定從歸納開始,然后下周將有效性和真理。)

10、The relation between the completeness of several local convex topology and that of induction topology was pointed out in this paper.(指出了幾種局部凸拓撲的完整性與感應拓撲的完整性之間的關系。)

11、The Free-Range Resonant Electrical Energy Delivery System, or FREE-D, is powered by induction.(這種無線諧振電能傳輸系統——FREE-D是通過電磁感應傳輸能量的。)

12、Because it always has been again we are relying on induction aren't we?(因為一直是這樣,我們所依賴的歸納,不是嗎?)

13、So we are going to deal with induction this week.(我們這周要做歸納論點。)

14、Callus induction and redifferentiation of black chokeberry leaf in vitro were studied.(研究了黑苦莓葉片愈傷組織的誘導和再分化。)

15、The claim is that induction is rational by definition.(其論調認為歸納法是理性的定義。)

16、"We are now trying to revisit very old technology and remove the problems" in induction motors.(我們現在正嘗試再次探索比較老的技術,利用感應發動機來解決這個問題。)

17、Combine an understanding of cooking and physics, and you get the nonstick pan and the induction stovetop.(對烹飪和物理學的理解的結合起來,你可以得到不沾鍋和感應爐灶。)

18、In the past, the main disadvantage of asynchronous induction motors was the difficulty of varying their speed.(過去,異步感應電動機的主要缺陷是難于變速。)

19、In the past the main problem with asynchronous induction motors was the difficulty of varying their speed.(在過去,非同步感應發動機的主要缺陷是很難改變轉子的速度。)

20、But I'm not overdue yet and I thought induction was only for overdue babies.(可是我還沒有超過預產期,而且我覺得只有過期產兒才需要誘產。)

21、to find out all you’ll need to know about the induction process, keep reading.(請繼續往下看,并理解關于誘產過程中你所需要知道的。)

22、At her Phi Beta Kappa induction, there were separate ceremonies for men and women.(在美國優秀大學生榮譽學會的就職會上,男生和女生的畢業典禮是分開的。)

23、They continue to be governed by their animal propensity towards induction.(他們仍然被他們對歸納法的動物般的癡迷所支配。)

24、The induction phase is the first, and most restrictive, phaseof the Atkins Nutritional Approach.(入門階段是阿特金斯飲食法的第一階段,也是最嚴格的階段。)

25、He would agree that we describe induction as a rational way of behaving.(將歸納法描述成行為的理性方式他也是認同的。)

26、And that's the famous Humean scepticism about induction.(這是休謨關于歸納法最為著名的懷疑論基調。)

27、So it looks like as if any arguments you offer for induction it will be circular based on induction itself.(這看起來像任何論點,你給出歸納,它會建立在歸納之上。)

28、So scepticism about induction is an example of horizontal scepticism.(如此一來,關于歸納法的懷疑論就屬于水平懷疑論。)









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1.He had an inherent interest in induced current and in the induction field.(他對感應電流和感應電場有著內在的興趣。)
  • 熱門焦點



