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用擴寬造句子 calm down造句 用calm down造句子 稱王稱帝造句 力拓造句 用稱王稱帝造句子 用力拓造句子 cash down造句 伏莽造句 用cash down造句子 奧拓造句 用伏莽造句子 運行造句 用奧拓造句子 用運行造句子 cast down造句 展拓造句 用cast down造句子 用展拓造句子 玉闕造句 擴寬造句 用宰輔造句子 burn down造句 用猛的造句子 宰輔造句 猛的造句 用加寬造句子 加寬造句 用宰羊造句子 用bring the house down造句子 bring the house down造句 宰羊造句 用bring down造句子 用作廢造句子 用宰相肚里能行船造句子 bring down造句 用炮兵造句子 宰相肚里能行船造句 作廢造句 炮兵造句
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用burn down造句子

來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-05-03 17:45:30

用burn down造句子

4.If you forgot to turn it off when you went away, you might burn down the house.(如果你走的時候忘記關掉它,可能會把房子給燒了。)
導讀4.If you forgot to turn it off when you went away, you might burn down the house.(如果你走的時候忘記關掉它,可能會把房子給燒了。)

造句指懂得并使用字詞,按照一定的句法規則造出字詞通順、意思完整、符合邏輯的句子。依據現代語文學科特征,可延伸為寫段、作文的基礎,是學生寫好作文的基本功。造句來源清俞樾 《春在堂隨筆》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纖巧勝?!?夏丏尊葉圣陶《文心雕龍》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 樂華 用鉛筆記錄下來?!?/p>

下面為您提供關于【burn down造句】內容,供您參考。

1、Sometimes protector too late to turn blocking action, soon, likely to be directly responsible for current motor burn down.(有時保護器來不及動作,很快達到堵轉電流,可能直接導致電機燒毀。)

2、A song he'd heard on the radio drifted into his head, a woman wanting to burn down a whole town.(收音機里面聽過的一首歌飄進他的腦海,一個女人想要燒掉整個城鎮。)

3、The Globe would later burn down (a cannon fired during a performance of “Henry VIII” touched off the blaze) and was quickly rebuilt.(環球劇院后來遭受了火災(當上演《亨利八世》的時候,點燃的炮彈引發了大火),很快就重建了。)

4、If you forgot to turn it off when you went away, you might burn down the house.(如果你走的時候忘記關掉它,可能會把房子給燒了。)

5、Now light the candle and let it burn down.(現在點著蠟燭和使火焰減弱些。)

6、I watched two buildings on my block burn down.(我目睹了我們街區中兩幢樓房的燒毀。)

7、more advanced reporting capabilities - including the inclusion of burn down charts.(更先進的報告能力——包括burn-down圖。)

8、There is no need to burn down the Internets.(實在是沒有必要去摧毀網絡中的流言。)

9、That incident prompted hundreds of Serbs to burn down several Albanian shops and to damage cars with Kosovo license plates.(這個事件引發數百名塞族人燒毀了幾處阿族人商店,毀壞了幾輛帶有科索沃牌照的汽車。)

10、Light up the stove and you could burn down the house.(點燃爐子,你可能會把房子燒掉。)

11、It is just like the person who says, "Don't buy insurance for your house this year; it's not going to burn down."(正如有些人說,“今年不要為你的房子買保險,它不會失火?!?

12、Mr Samoilenko says those behind the illegal logging set fire to his car and then tried to burn down his parents' house, but failed.(Samoilenko告訴我說那些非法伐木業背后的黑手點火燒掉了他的車,并企圖燒毀他父母的房子,但是沒能得逞。)

13、When they invented fire insurance, in the 1600s, there was a lot of skepticism because anyone can burn down their house.(十七世紀時,人們發明了火險,當時存在很多質疑,因為任何人都可以燒毀他們的房子。)

14、In the most recently revealed recording, a man threatens to burn down the house.(在最近披露的一段錄音中,一個男聲威脅要燒掉房子。)

15、We're going to burn down your house over your head.(我們必用火燒你和你的房屋。)

16、At least you can burn down his house.(至少你能燒了他的房子。)

17、He has launched an antitrust probe and accuses the Fed of "rewarding the same companies that helped burn down the house".(Richard已經啟動了一個反壟斷調查,譴責美聯儲“現在所獎賞的公司就是當初幫助縱火燒房的公司”。)

18、Packing gland can't be screwed too tight, keep liquid leaking drop by drop, otherwise it maybe cause to packing burn down.(填料壓蓋不能擰得過緊,保持液體有滴狀泄漏,否則泵運轉時可能導致填料燒壞。)

19、We is unable to salvage anything when the factory burn down.(當工廠燒毀時,我們沒有能搶救出任何東西。)

20、It could be me that — my cabin could burn down and I would freeze to death in the winter.(因為也許中招的會是我-,我的房子可能被燒毀,冬天我可能會被凍死。)

21、Let's leave the fire to burn down and go into our tents.(讓火自己慢慢熄滅,我們進帳篷吧。)

22、I don't want to know how to burn down my house.(我不想知道怎樣燒掉我的房子。)

23、"At least you can burn down his house. With these companies, it is loot and scoot."(“至少你能燒了他的房子。但這些公司,打了劫就跑了?!?

24、So perhaps another things is now revealed: archives must burn down (symbolically of course) for history to happen.(所以,也許另一件事現在也得以揭曉:檔案必須燒毀(當然這是比喻),歷史才能發生。)

25、He may have thought I would burn down the town in revenge for the slight.(他也許以為我想燒毀城鎮,為受到的冷遇進行報復。)

26、Wait a minute. How does an auto accident cause a house to burn down?(等等,怎么一起車禍會把房子給燒了?)

27、They threatened to burn down our house.(他們威脅要燒毀我們的房子。)









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用burn down造句子

4.If you forgot to turn it off when you went away, you might burn down the house.(如果你走的時候忘記關掉它,可能會把房子給燒了。)
  • 熱門焦點



