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伏莽造句 用cash down造句子 奧拓造句 用伏莽造句子 運行造句 用奧拓造句子 用運行造句子 cast down造句 展拓造句 用cast down造句子 用展拓造句子 玉闕造句 用玉闕造句子 fresh造句 延拓造句 用延拓造句子 用fresh造句子 搭拉造句 用搭拉造句子 at the opposite extreme造句 用力拓造句子 用稱王稱帝造句子 力拓造句 稱王稱帝造句 用calm down造句子 calm down造句 用擴寬造句子 用burn down造句子 擴寬造句 用宰輔造句子 burn down造句 用猛的造句子 宰輔造句 猛的造句 用加寬造句子 加寬造句 用宰羊造句子 用bring the house down造句子 bring the house down造句 宰羊造句
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cash down造句

來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-05-03 17:45:31

cash down造句

4.Bringing down accounts receivable is a great way to improve a business cash flow.(將應收賬款降低,是增強企業現金流的好辦法。)
導讀4.Bringing down accounts receivable is a great way to improve a business cash flow.(將應收賬款降低,是增強企業現金流的好辦法。)

造句指懂得并使用字詞,按照一定的句法規則造出字詞通順、意思完整、符合邏輯的句子。依據現代語文學科特征,可延伸為寫段、作文的基礎,是學生寫好作文的基本功。造句來源清俞樾 《春在堂隨筆》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纖巧勝?!?夏丏尊葉圣陶《文心雕龍》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 樂華 用鉛筆記錄下來?!?/p>

下面為您提供關于【cash down造句】內容,供您參考。

1、But with many households unable to borrow, others keen to pay down debt and many businesses swimming in cash, lower interest rates are likely to have only a modest effect.(但是由于許多家庭沒有能力貸款,其他的家庭強烈要求降低債務,以及企業大量流動資金和低利率也有可能有些間接影響。)

2、Avoiding PMI The easiest way to avoid PMI is to make a cash down payment of 20% or more.(避免死亡是最容易的死亡方式,避免現金作首付20%或更多。)

3、It now appears that when companies and consumers acquire cash balances they use them to pay down debt rather than to support spending.(現在看來,當企業和消費者獲得現金余額時,他們用這些錢來償還債務,而不是用于消費。)

4、Bringing down accounts receivable is a great way to improve a business 'cash flow.(將應收賬款降低,是增強企業現金流的好辦法。)

5、Let's say you are spending a boatload on hardware to ramp up your web service's capacity. And it is bringing your cash flow down.(再舉個例子,如果你在硬件上花費一大筆錢來提升你網絡服務的能力,那么將會使你的現金流下降。)

6、And as is often the case with renting an apartment, you'll likely have to put down some cash as "security deposit" at the lease inception.(另外,和租借設備時經常遇到的情況一樣,在辦理租車手續時你還需要拿出錢作為“安全保證金”。)

7、The dealer reduced the price for cash down.(這家商店對付現金的人減價優惠。)

8、High debt is a legacy of those deals and makes firms nervous about running down cash or spending more of their profits.(高債務是這些交易的產物,而且公司更害怕現金的減少或開支增加。)

9、Supply is up, demand is down, and cash offers are a seller's dream come true.(在供給增加需求下降的局勢下,現金收購對賣房人而言是夢想成真。)

10、Other factors are institutional. German mortgage lending is a pretty conservative affair, making it hard for people to get onto the ladder without lots of cash to put down.(另外是制度的影響,德國的按揭貸款相當保守,在沒有大量現金的保障下,人們很難買到房子。)

11、the fed has responded with massive injections of cash into the money market to get the rate down.(美聯儲的響應是給金融市場注入大量的現金使得拆借利率下降。)

12、But if someone is doing this, cash will be going down while profits are steady and accounts receivable are growing rapidly.(但這種情況下,現金會減少而利潤仍保持穩定,應收賬款迅猛增長。)

13、Buying real estate nothing down is easy; handling negative cash flow, repairs and other expenses in the meantime is the trick.(買了房地產最后卻空手而歸是常見的,有人說他能同時處理好負現金流,維修和其它費用只是騙人的罷了。)

14、If a bank needs some quick cash, it can always borrow it from a bank down the road for that prime lending rate.(如果一家銀行需要盡快獲得一筆流動資金,他總是能夠以基本放款利率從另一家銀行借到這筆錢。)

15、He made a cash down payment to reduce the size of his loan, and then financed the balance over six years, though he said he may try to pay it off earlier than that.(他用現金作首付來減少他的貸款的數額,然后不夠的部分貸了六年的款,但是他說,他可能試圖比那個時間更早地去還清貸款。)

16、John always pays cash down for anything he buys.(約翰經常買東西時當場就付現金。)

17、The main advantage of a 100% mortgage loan, especially if you have poor credit, is that you can get into a home with little or no cash down .(主要利用了100%的按揭貸款,尤其是如果你有不良信用,就是你可以進入一個家很少或沒有現金了。)

18、As for GM, it is avoiding the costs of closing Saab down and is getting a small but useful pot of cash-even if its preference shares bring in nothing.(對于通用汽車來說,這避免了關閉薩博的成本,即使它的優先股不會帶來收益,通用也也會獲得少量的但是有用的現金。)

19、The TV set we bought was for cash down .(這臺電視我們是用現金買的。)

20、If the bank replenishes its vault cash, its account at the ReserveBank is drawn down in exchange for notes issued by the Federal Reserve.(16如果銀行補充它的庫存現金,它在儲備銀行那里的賬戶將被聯邦儲備券注入。)

21、When hedge funds can't meet the demands for cash, lenders seize their assets and try to sell them, further driving down prices and putting more funds in trouble.(當對沖基金無法滿足現金需求時,貸款機構會扣押它們的資產,并試圖將其出售,這又導致價格進一步下滑,令更多的基金陷入困境。)

22、He points out that cash prices have stayed high, even as futures started to come down at the end of last month, and that most of the cotton is out of the warehouses.(他指出即使期貨價格上月底開始出現下降,但現貨價格仍居高不下,他還指出大多數棉花都走出了倉庫。)

23、The church has always been willing to swap off treasures in heaven for cash down.(教會一直是樂于以天上的寶物來交換地上的現金的。)

24、The party host pays them with cash or a check, then ships the gold to a refinery, where it is melted down and recycled.(派對的組織者付給客人們現金或者支票,然后把黃金運到精煉廠回爐重造。)

25、Rio instead raised cash to pay down hefty debts with a rights issue and also announced an iron ore tie-up with BHP (which itself had tried, and failed, to acquire Rio in 2008).(力拓卻通過增股的方式,用現金償還巨額債務,同時公布與必和必拓組成鐵礦石聯盟(必和必拓曾經試圖這樣做,但失敗了,2008年力拓反過來找必和必拓,后者欣然接受)。)

26、Always have cash on you, no one will turn that down.(記得總是帶現金在身上,因為沒有人會拒絕接受現金的。)

27、The injection of fresh cash by central Banks eventually succeeded in pushing money-market rates back down.(中央銀行注入的新鮮貨幣實際上成功的使貨幣市場的利率下降。)









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cash down造句

4.Bringing down accounts receivable is a great way to improve a business cash flow.(將應收賬款降低,是增強企業現金流的好辦法。)
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