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用direct speech造句子 鄉愁表達了怎樣的思想感情 鄉愁賞析 make a speech造句 用make a speech造句子 包好的湯圓怎么保存 怎么保存包好的湯圓 qq空間瀏覽次數怎么算 qq空間瀏覽次數計算方法 再上造句 五步造句 用再上造句子 qq好友怎么批量刪除 qq好友如何批量刪除 用五步造句子 reported speech造句 qq異地登錄怎么回事 qq顯示異地登錄如何解決 用reported speech造句子 qq群怎么打卡 qq群如何打卡 足底造句 手機wps怎么發到qq郵箱 手機wps如何發到qq郵箱 用足底造句子 qq回收站照片怎么找回 qq回收站照片如何找回 Seattle造句 用雪萊造句子 用電影城造句子 雪萊造句 電影城造句 qq截圖怎么操作 qq截圖如何操作 驅蚊草冬天怎么養 驅蚊草冬天如何養植 用participant造句子 用無知者造句子 participant造句 無知者造句 凈水器換濾芯后多少時間使用有嗎 凈水器換濾芯后多久使用有嗎 最新版qq怎么取消定時說說 最新版qq如何取消定時說說 用貨款造句子 貨款造句 用銬起來造句子 銬起來造句 用銬子造句子 銬子造句 用銬上造句子 qq郵箱怎么改名字 qq郵箱更改名字
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direct speech造句

來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-05-03 22:18:58

direct speech造句

1.direct speech is easier than reported speech.(直接引語比間接引語簡單。)15.A direct quote was taken from his speech.(直接引用他的演講。)
導讀1.direct speech is easier than reported speech.(直接引語比間接引語簡單。)15.A direct quote was taken from his speech.(直接引用他的演講。)

造句指懂得并使用字詞,按照一定的句法規則造出字詞通順、意思完整、符合邏輯的句子。依據現代語文學科特征,可延伸為寫段、作文的基礎,是學生寫好作文的基本功。造句來源清俞樾 《春在堂隨筆》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纖巧勝?!?夏丏尊葉圣陶《文心雕龍》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 樂華 用鉛筆記錄下來?!?/p>

下面為您提供關于【direct speech造句】內容,供您參考。

1、direct speech is easier than reported speech.(直接引語比間接引語簡單。)

2、Chapter Three mainly concentrates on the presentations of speech - free direct discourse, free indirect discourse and multiple discourses.(第三章重點分析了小說集中的人物話語表達方式:自由直接引語、自由間接引語和多種話語方式的混合。)

3、This paper is to discuss the unity of opposites in terms of the direct speech act and the indirect speech act, direct tests and indirect tests, and the direct method and the indirect method.(這種對立統一主要體現在直接言語行為和間接言語行為、直接測試和間接測試以及直接教學法和間接教學法三方面。)

4、The reason for picking this particular gene is that it is the only one known so far to have a direct connection with speech.(之所以選擇這種基因是因為至今為止這是已知的唯一的與語言有直接聯系的基因。)

5、In many places narration in the ballads is in the third person and, occasionally, in direct speech.(在許多地方民謠的敘述是以第三人稱,偶爾,是以直接的引語。)

6、You may have noticed that a title can be followed by a question mark if it is a question, and quotation marks are used to enclose a direct speech, but no period is needed at the end of a title.(你可能已經發現標題可以跟一個問號,如果它是一個問題。引號可以用來包括一個直接引語,但是沒有句號出現在標題末尾。)

7、Can you find out the difference between direct speech and indirect speech?(你能找出直接引語與間接引語之間的區別嗎?)

8、To deal with implicit coherence on the linguistic level, we can use categories of using direct speech, tense transformation, adding personal reference and using relative clauses.(對于語言層面的隱性連貫,可采用的方法有使用直接引語、時態轉換、添加人稱代詞和使用關系從句。)

9、When we want to tell someone else what we or someone else has said we can use either direct or reported (or indirect speech).(當我們告訴別人我們或他人說過什么的時候,我們可以用直接引語或間接引語來表述。)

10、The indirect speech act is relative to the direct speech act.(間接言語行為是相對于直接言語行為而言的。)

11、The euphemism is a kind of common linguistic phenomenon which exists relatively to direct speech.(委婉語是交際中一種與直接語相對應而存在的普遍語言現象。)

12、The paper focuses on the translation of direct speech and free indirect speech and thought.(分類中的直接引語和自由間接引語及思想的翻譯問題是本文的主要研究對象。)

13、Sentences lack subjects, direct speech is often unattributed and, most alarmingly, the characters change names according to their rank or circumstances.(書中的句子缺少主語,直接引語往往無法找到相應的人稱,最讓人頭疼的是,書中的人物角色是根據他們的官銜或所處的環境來變換名字的。)

14、Can you find the difference between direct speech and indirect speech?(你能找到直接引語和間接引語的區別嗎?)

15、A direct quote was taken from his speech.(直接引用他的演講。)

16、Use the table to show some more examples of the changes that take place when we change direct speech into reported speech and also tell students some special cases.(用表格直接引入兩個指示代詞和個別動詞的變化,并通過例句向學生指出應用中應注意的特殊情況。)

17、Only direct speech should go inside inverted commas.(只有直接引語應放在引號內。)

18、I am very direct in my speech, and for that reason, people intuitively trust me.(我說話非常直截了當,所以人們會不假思索地信任我。)

19、The initial research on language reports was restricted within the grammatical descriptions, which place emphasis on direct and indirect speech and the transformational relationship between them.(過去人們對語言轉述現象的研究大多局限于對其進行語法描述,重點放在直接引語和間接引語的轉換關系上。)

20、There are basically two ways of referring to an utterance in English: one is called quotation or direct speech and the other is called reported speech or indirect speech.(英語中指稱各種語言片斷的方法,基本上有兩種:一種方法稱為引用或直接引語;)

21、This thesis is intended for the study of fictional dialogue in the narrow sense, mainly in the form of direct speech within quotation marks.(本文的研究對象是狹義的“小說對話”,主要表現形式是小說中的直接引語。)

22、this thesis is intended for the study of fictional dialogue in the narrow sense - — the dialogue between characters in fiction, mainly in the form of direct speech within quotation marks.(本文的研究對象是狹義的“小說對話”,即小說中人物之間的談話,主要表現形式是小說中的直接引語。)

23、Turn the following sentences into direct speech or indirect speech.(把下列句子變成直接引語或間接引語。)

24、In addition, actors struggled, having to direct their speech to awkwardly-hidden microphones in huge plants, telephones or even costumes.(除此之外,演員們也很費力,他們需要朝著笨拙地隱藏在巨大的植物、電話甚至服裝中的麥克風說臺詞。)

25、Put the direct speech into indirect speech.(把下面的直接引語改為間接引語。)

26、She is direct and casual in speech and demeanor in her private life.(私下里,她是一個言談舉止直接隨意的人。)

27、Thee direct address of an absent or imaginary person or of a personified abstraction, especially as a digression in the course of a speech or composition.(呼語:直接稱呼不在場或虛構的人物或稱呼擬人的事物,尤指作為演講或作文過程中的離題話。)









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direct speech造句

1.direct speech is easier than reported speech.(直接引語比間接引語簡單。)15.A direct quote was taken from his speech.(直接引用他的演講。)
  • 熱門焦點



