最新文章專題視頻專題關鍵字專題1關鍵字專題50關鍵字專題500關鍵字專題1500TAG最新視頻文章視頻文章20視頻文章30視頻文章40視頻文章50視頻文章60 視頻文章70視頻文章80視頻文章90視頻文章100視頻文章120視頻文章140 視頻2關鍵字專題關鍵字專題tag2tag3文章專題文章專題2文章索引1文章索引2文章索引3文章索引4文章索引5123456789101112131415文章專題3
詩經帶金字旁的女孩名字 詩經帶金字旁的女孩名字有哪些 星戰前夜怎么賣礦 星戰前夜如何賣礦 投下造句 溫柔的網名英文 溫柔的英文網名有哪些 用投下造句子 疏闊造句 立夏的美句 關于立夏的句子 用疏闊造句子 海棠花能吃嗎 海棠花能不能吃 立夏文藝句 立夏文藝句有哪些 速凍水餃的正確煮法 速凍水餃的正確煮法是什么 teamwork造句 用teamwork造句子 劍與遠征凍原冒險副本通關攻略 劍與遠征凍原冒險副本通關攻略有哪些 用畢生精力造句子 用冷水還是熱水煮雞蛋 用冷水還是熱水煮雞蛋好 母親節簡短說說句子 母親節簡短說說推薦 缺水女孩名字 缺水女孩名字怎么取 小孩子給母親節的祝福 小孩子給母親節的祝福有哪些 明信片造句 立夏祝福短 立夏祝福短句有哪些 thereby造句 詩經中女孩名字高端大氣 詩經中女孩有哪些名字高端大氣 怎么聯系qq人工客服 如何聯系qq人工客服 女孩子名字好聽文雅大全 文雅有內涵的女孩名字推薦 立夏微信祝福語 關于立夏微信祝福語 核仁的皮吃了有什么作用 核仁的皮的功效 用濟南市造句子 濟南市造句 qq炫舞怎么加好友 qq炫舞如何加好友 寓意心存善念的網名 心存善念的網名范例 用maniac造句子 立夏祝福句 關于立夏祝福語 maniac造句 食用向日葵種植時間和方法 食用向日葵怎么種 qq狀態怎么設置 qq狀態如何設置 用瘦臉造句子 瘦臉造句 帶有立夏兩個字的詩句 帶有立夏兩個字的詩句精選 用詐降造句子
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來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-05-04 01:28:42


21.This had been dismantled in 1933, thereby breaking the link.(這一設施于1933年被拆除,從而切斷了(運河間的)聯系。)
導讀21.This had been dismantled in 1933, thereby breaking the link.(這一設施于1933年被拆除,從而切斷了(運河間的)聯系。)

造句指懂得并使用字詞,按照一定的句法規則造出字詞通順、意思完整、符合邏輯的句子。依據現代語文學科特征,可延伸為寫段、作文的基礎,是學生寫好作文的基本功。造句來源清俞樾 《春在堂隨筆》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纖巧勝?!?夏丏尊葉圣陶《文心雕龍》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 樂華 用鉛筆記錄下來?!?/p>


1、When an object is encountered again, it is matched with its internal representation and thereby recognized.(當再次遇到一個對象時,它將與其內部表示相匹配,從而被識別。)

2、Regardless, all these complex measures had the same psychological purpose: to reassure people that the free fall would stop and, thereby, curb the fear that would perpetuate a free fall.(無論如何,所有這些復雜的措施都有相同的心理目的:讓人們相信自由落體運動將會停止,從而抑制人們對自由落體運動持續下去的恐懼。)

3、At the same time, they would break the illegal excavator's grip on the market, thereby decreasing the inducement to engage in illegal activities.(同時,他們也可以打破非法挖掘機對市場的控制,從而減少從事非法活動的誘因。)

4、This research may be biased, however, as ill-health often makes older people more dependent and thereby increases contact with family members.(然而,這項研究可能存在偏見,因為健康不佳往往使老年人更加依賴他人,從而增加了與家庭成員的接觸。)

5、This gives you the opportunity to pray for and bless the other, thereby blessing yourself.(這給你了一個機會去為他人祈禱和祝福,從而賜福給你自己。)

6、When a large body strikes a planet or moon, material is ejected, thereby creating a hole in the planet and a local deficit of mass.(當一個大型天體撞擊行星或月球時,物質會被拋射出去,從而在行星上形成一個洞,造成局部質量不足的現象。)

7、They are thereby shut off from the world of books and newspapers, having to rely on friends to read aloud to them.(他們因此與書本和報紙的世界隔絕,只能依靠其朋友為他們朗讀。)

8、He thereby transformed an inefficient pump of limited use into a steam engine of a thousand uses.(因此,他將應用范圍有限且效率低的蒸汽泵改造成了應用范圍廣泛的蒸汽發動機。)

9、They can push down the thirteenth partial and bring up the fifteenth and thereby change the sound of a clarinet into a French horn.(他們可以壓低第十三分音,或者提高第十五分音,從而將單簧管的聲音變成圓號的。)

10、In addition, it is likely that small live animals in the advected water might be killed or stunned by thermal and/or chemical shock, thereby contributing to the food supply of vents.(此外,噴出水體中的小型活體動物很可能被熱沖擊和/或化學沖擊殺死或擊昏,從而增加了噴口的食物供應。)

11、Reduced operation of the machinery should limit their production and thereby constrain the damage.(要減少機器的操作,就應該限制它們的生產,從而降低損害。)

12、The sparse distribution of the feathers, however, also allows considerable lateral air movement over the skin surface, thereby permitting further heat loss by convection.(然而,羽毛的稀疏分布也使得皮膚表面形成相當大量的側向空氣流動,從而可以通過對流進一步散熱。)

13、It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby wearing them into yet more sand.(它攜帶著細小的沙粒,這些沙粒會轟擊裸露的巖石表面,從而把巖石磨成更多的沙子。)

14、Dependency injection lets you weave together the main layers of your application, thereby lets you produce a loosely coupled application.(依賴注入讓您將應用程序的主要層次編織到一起,從而使您產生一個松散耦合應用程序。)

15、It is thought that these grooves help to channel water through the mouth and out the gill slits, thereby reducing water resistance.(人們認為這些溝槽有助于將水從嘴中輸送到鰓裂外,從而減少水的阻力。)

16、They would have prevented the reseeding of the slow-growing palm trees and thereby doomed Rapa Nui's forest, even without the settlers' campaign of deforestation.(即使沒有定居者的濫伐森林運動,他們也會阻止生長緩慢的棕櫚樹重新播種,從而毀滅拉帕努伊的森林。)

17、Retailers that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe may well expect to rake in substantial profits thereby.(在歐洲,掌握了復雜批發業務的零售商很有可能因此獲得可觀的利潤。)

18、In 1990, in an attempt to reduce alcohol consumption and thereby to reduce alcohol-related traffic deaths among Berinians under 21, the legal drinking age was raised to 21.(1990年,為了減少酒精消費,從而減少21歲以下的貝寧人與酒精有關的交通死亡,政府將法定飲酒年齡提高到21歲。)

19、Still, if late sleepers want to lose a few pounds, they can go to bed earlier than they usually do, thereby, reducing their chances of taking snacks before bedtime.(不過,如果晚睡的人想減掉幾磅體重,他們可以比平時更早上床睡覺,從而減少了睡前吃零食的機會。)

20、The social network will let users "mute" messages from other users on their timelines without the muted person's knowledge, thereby avoiding the awkward.(該社交網絡將允許用戶在不知情的情況下“靜音”來自其他用戶的信息,從而避免尷尬。)

21、This had been dismantled in 1933, thereby breaking the link.(這一設施于1933年被拆除,從而切斷了(運河間的)聯系。)

22、In the winter, ECC can be heated by passing an electric current through it, thereby preventing ice buildup.(在冬天,ECC可以通過電流加熱,從而防止結冰。)

23、in contrast, the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments together, thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind.(相反,草和其他小植物的根可能有助于把松散的土壤碎片固定在一起,從而助于防止風的侵蝕。)

24、Stress reactions can reduce the disease fighting effectiveness of the body's immune system, thereby increasing susceptibility to illnesses ranging from colds to cancer.(壓力反應會降低身體免疫系統對抗疾病的效力,從而增加對感冒和癌癥等疾病的易感性。)

25、One option for moving toward both biodiversity and terrestrial food supply goals is to produce greater yields from less land, thereby freeing land for conservation purposes.(實現生物多樣性和陸地食物供應目標的一種選擇是用更少的土地生產更高的產量,從而騰出土地用于保護目的。)

26、Since nicotine in cigarettes changes brain chemistry, perhaps thereby affecting mood, it is likely that smoking contributes to depression in teenagers.(由于香煙中的尼古丁會改變大腦的化學性質,從而可能影響情緒,因此吸煙可能會導致青少年抑郁。)

27、This may have deformed the lower ice, disrupting its annual layers and thereby causing the discrepancy between the records.(這可能會使低層冰變形,破壞其年層,從而造成記錄之間的差異。)

28、As transportation improved, distant and larger markets within the nation could be reached, thereby encouraging the development of larger factories to keep pace with increasing sales.(隨著交通狀況的改善,人們可以到達全國范圍內更遠更大的市場,從而鼓勵更大型工廠的發展,以跟上銷售增長的步伐。)

29、Regular exercise strengthens the heart, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack.(經常鍛煉可以增強心臟機能,從而減少心臟病發作的危險。)









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21.This had been dismantled in 1933, thereby breaking the link.(這一設施于1933年被拆除,從而切斷了(運河間的)聯系。)
  • 熱門焦點



