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來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2024-05-07 09:32:02


Correcting teeth alignment through orthodontic treatment.such as braces or clear aligners.is a common practice in the field of dentistry.While these treatments can improve the appearance and functionality of the teeth.there are potential risks and hazards associated with them.Here are some of the dangers of orthodontic treatment。
導讀Correcting teeth alignment through orthodontic treatment.such as braces or clear aligners.is a common practice in the field of dentistry.While these treatments can improve the appearance and functionality of the teeth.there are potential risks and hazards associated with them.Here are some of the dangers of orthodontic treatment。

Correcting teeth alignment through orthodontic treatment, such as braces or clear aligners, is a common practice in the field of dentistry. While these treatments can improve the appearance and functionality of the teeth, there are potential risks and hazards associated with them. Here are some of the dangers of orthodontic treatment:

1. **Tooth Decay:** Braces and other orthodontic appliances can make it more challenging to clean the teeth properly. Food particles and plaque can easily get trapped around the brackets and wires, leading to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

2. **Gum Disease:** Poor oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment can also contribute to gum inflammation and infection. The pressure exerted by braces on the gums and bone can further exacerbate these issues.

3. **Root Resorption:** In some cases, the roots of the teeth may shorten due to the pressure applied during orthodontic treatment. This can weaken the teeth and make them more susceptible to damage or loss in the long term.

4. **Soft Tissue Injuries:** The brackets and wires of braces can irritate the soft tissues inside the mouth, causing sores, cuts, and discomfort. In severe cases, this can lead to infections and prolonged healing times.

5. **Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Issues:** Orthodontic treatment that is not properly planned or executed can affect the alignment of the jaw joints, leading to TMJ disorders. Symptoms may include jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds, and difficulty opening or closing the mouth.

6. **Allergic Reactions:** Some individuals may be allergic to the materials used in orthodontic appliances, such as nickel or latex. This can result in allergic reactions, including skin rashes, itching, or swelling.

7. **Psychological Impact:** The aesthetic changes brought about by orthodontic treatment can also have psychological implications. Some individuals may experience self-esteem issues, social anxiety, or body image concerns during the treatment process.

It is essential for individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment to maintain good oral hygiene practices, attend regular dental check-ups, and follow the recommendations of their orthodontist to minimize the risks associated with teeth alignment correction. Consulting with a qualified dental professional can help address any concerns and ensure a safe and successful orthodontic treatment outcome.

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Correcting teeth alignment through orthodontic treatment.such as braces or clear aligners.is a common practice in the field of dentistry.While these treatments can improve the appearance and functionality of the teeth.there are potential risks and hazards associated with them.Here are some of the dangers of orthodontic treatment。
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