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用electric current造句子

來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-05-03 22:11:03

用electric current造句子

2.They found that protons do flow steadily across the nanotube, carrying an electric current.(他們發現,質子流穩定通過碳納米管,形成電流。)
導讀2.They found that protons do flow steadily across the nanotube, carrying an electric current.(他們發現,質子流穩定通過碳納米管,形成電流。)

造句指懂得并使用字詞,按照一定的句法規則造出字詞通順、意思完整、符合邏輯的句子。依據現代語文學科特征,可延伸為寫段、作文的基礎,是學生寫好作文的基本功。造句來源清俞樾 《春在堂隨筆》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纖巧勝?!?夏丏尊葉圣陶《文心雕龍》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 樂華 用鉛筆記錄下來?!?/p>

下面為您提供關于【electric current造句】內容,供您參考。

1、They are switches that enable one electric current to control the passage of another.(它們以開關的方式工作,使得一個通路中的電流可以控制另一通路中的電流。)

2、They found that protons do flow steadily across the nanotube, carrying an electric current.(他們發現,質子流穩定通過碳納米管,形成電流。)

3、The message wasreproduced at the receiving station on electrochemically sensitivepaper, which left a blue mark when an electric current was passedthrough it.(在電化學感光紙的接收站可將信息再次生成。當電流通過感光紙會留下一帶藍色的印記。)

4、Forcing an electric current across that junction causes the metal on one side to heat up, and the metal on the other side to cool down.(電流通過中間的調節器,使其一端的金屬升溫,并使另一端的金屬降溫。)

5、A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat.(家用暖氣以電流的形式吸收能量,然后以熱量的形式將其釋放出去。)

6、Michael Faraday discovered in 1831 that an electric current flowing in a wire induces a secondary current in a neighbouring wire.(1831年,邁克爾·法拉第(MichaelFaraday)發現,在一根電線內流動的電流會在鄰近的一根電線內產生次級電流(secondarycurrent)。)

7、In the winter, ECC can be heated by passing an electric current through it, thereby preventing ice buildup.(在冬天,ECC可以通過電流加熱,從而防止結冰。)

8、An electric current has caused heat around the tip.(通過電流加熱針的尖端。)

9、If electric wiring is shorting out, shut off the electric current at the main box.(如果電線短路,請在主控箱切斷電源。)

10、In the case of harnessing vibrations, Chandrakasan and his colleagues use piezoelectric materials, which produce an electric current when subjected to mechanical pressure.(至于在約束振動上,切卓卡山和他的同事們使用了壓電體,在經受力的作用下,它可以產生電流。)

11、Traditional fuel cells work by using a catalytic material to oxidise a fuel, such as hydrogen, and make an electric current flow between two electrodes.(傳統的燃料電池是通過催化材料(比如氫)來氧化燃料,然后使兩電級間產生電流。)

12、The electric current triggers the area to produce chemicals that cause brain cells to develop or change.(這些電流促使思維區域分泌使大腦細胞生長或變異的化學物質。)

13、But, since everyone was interested in having electric current soon, we even convinced our husbands!(但是,自從每個人都即將通電感興趣之后,我們甚至說服了自己的丈夫。)

14、Creating a magnetic field using electricity is easy: an electric current flowing in a wire generates a magnetic field around that wire.(用電流產生磁場容易:當電流在金屬線圈流動時,磁場也隨之產生。)

15、Then a turbine began to run inside a small, redbrick hall at Tofte, a few kilometres south-west of Oslo, and electric current emerged.(接著,離奧斯陸西南幾公里遠的托夫特的一個紅磚小房里,渦輪機開始運轉,于是電流就產生了。)

16、Solar panels generate electricity by converting photons (packets of light energy) into an electric current.(太陽能電池板通過將光子(光的能量包)轉化為電流來發電。)

17、electric current is a flow of atomic particles called electrons.(電流是由叫做電子的微粒流動而形成的。)

18、This movement of charged ions, when the eel is in a conductive solution like water, creates an electric current.(當鰻魚在像水一樣的導電溶液中,這種帶電的離子便會產生電流。)

19、A keyboard was linked to rotors, powered by an electric current, which transposed every keystroke several times.(它的鍵盤與電流驅動的轉子相連,在每次擊鍵時,轉子會多次轉換。)

20、an electric field created by adding impurities to the silicon splits the electron-hole pairs apart, which results in an electric current.(給分離的硅參入雜質電子區域就產生電子空穴對分離從而形成電流。)

21、This forces the freed electrons to travel to the second electrode through a wire, creating an electric current.(而自由電子則通過一條導線移動至第二電極,從而產生電流。)

22、Similarly, moving a magnet creates an electric current in a neighbouring wire.(同樣,移動磁體也可以使線圈中產生電流。)

23、Typically, an electric current breaks the water down.(我們通常都用電流來分解水。)

24、A powerful electric current is passed through a piece of graphite.(一股強大的電流被傳導經過一塊石墨。)

25、When the device is switched on the nanotubes carry an electric current with a power of about 300 microwatts.(當我們打開裝置的開關后,這些碳納米管就帶有約為300微瓦能量的電流。)

26、The Pope checks the clock while another C.O. mans the switch that activates the electric current into the chair.(獄長看了看鐘,另一名獄警已在控制室就位,準備隨時拉動開關接通到電椅的電流。)

27、Piezoelectric crystals produce an electric current when bent and have many USES - the igniter on a gas barbecue grill being one of them.(壓電晶體在發生彎曲時能夠產生電流,并且已有很多用途——燃氣燒烤的點火器就是其中之一。)









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用electric current造句子

2.They found that protons do flow steadily across the nanotube, carrying an electric current.(他們發現,質子流穩定通過碳納米管,形成電流。)
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