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qq記步怎么開啟 qq記步開啟的教程 次席造句 用take into consideration造句子 四大文明古國分別是哪四個 四大文明古國分別是哪些 推下去造句 用次席造句子 qq怎么拉黑人 qq怎么拉黑好友 用推下去造句子 古代中國四大科學三大技術是什么 古代中國四大科學三大技術介紹 QQ怎么實名 qq實名的技巧 pc荒野大鏢客2多少g pc荒野大鏢客2下載完后需要多少g take hold of造句 qq賬號忘記了怎么找回 qq賬號忘記了怎么辦 用take hold of造句子 好聽的文藝古風名字 好聽的文藝古風名字推薦 htc的qq怎么退出 htc手機如何退出qq qq群怎么設置管理員身份 qq群如何設置管理員身份 蘇木造句 古風的名字詩意唯美文藝 詩意唯美文藝古風的名字推薦 用蘇木造句子 帥康油煙機怎么清洗 油煙機如何清洗 qq怎么發視頻 如何用qq發視頻 用忍下去造句子 名作之壁是指哪部作品 名作之壁的含義 qq怎么注冊新賬號 如何注冊新qq賬號 用末席造句子 忍下去造句 末席造句 手機上怎么看qq郵箱 手機上如何看qq郵箱 仡佬節是哪個民族的節日 仡佬節節日介紹 qq怎么隱身訪問別人空間 qq隱身訪問別人空間的步驟 用without造句子 我國古代文四寶 我國古代文四寶是什么 without造句 用王牌造句子 qq怎么更新到最新版本 qq如何更新到最新版本 王牌造句 我國科舉制度正式形成于哪個朝代 中國古代的科舉制度開始于隋朝對嗎 qq空間異?;謴褪≡趺崔k qq空間異?;謴褪∪绾无k 祭牛節是哪個民族的節日 祭牛節簡單介紹
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take into consideration造句

來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-05-03 22:18:51

take into consideration造句

22.The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions.(任何前科法官都將予以考慮。)
導讀22.The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions.(任何前科法官都將予以考慮。)

造句指懂得并使用字詞,按照一定的句法規則造出字詞通順、意思完整、符合邏輯的句子。依據現代語文學科特征,可延伸為寫段、作文的基礎,是學生寫好作文的基本功。造句來源清俞樾 《春在堂隨筆》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纖巧勝?!?夏丏尊葉圣陶《文心雕龍》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 樂華 用鉛筆記錄下來?!?/p>

下面為您提供關于【take into consideration造句】內容,供您參考。

1、when sizing, make sure you take into consideration the extra cost of large databases and frequency of full-text searches.(在調整時,一定要考慮大型數據庫的額外開銷和進行全文搜索的頻率。)

2、I: DE you have any particular conditions that you would like our company to take into consideration?(I:你還有什么希望公司考慮的別的條件嗎?)

3、The result suggests they do take into consideration factors unrelated to the case - such as attractiveness.(結果表明,他們的確無法擺脫與案情無關的因素的影響——比如被告人的魅力。)

4、We wanted to take into consideration printing to a monochrome palette, which might have a limited spectrum of grays.(需要考慮在單色打印機上進行打印的情況,這種打印機只使用有限的灰色色譜。)

5、That approach fails to take into consideration intangibles such as pride of workmanship, loyalty and good work habits.(那種方法沒有考慮無形的因素例如對手藝的自豪感、忠誠和良好的工作習慣。)

6、Well, it might, especially when you take into consideration the memory usage issues of Chrome.(或許當你將chrome的內存使用考慮在內的話,firefox可能會比chrome快。)

7、It will take into consideration the hardships involved in the work and the constraints of working hours.(它將考慮到工作的困難和工作時間的限制。)

8、"We must take into consideration that more and more people just drop by," Mr.Zajac said.(“我們必須考慮到越來越多的人僅僅只是順路進來參觀,”扎亞茨先生說。)

9、"I don't know if they take into consideration a mortgage and a car payment," Huipe said.(“我不知道他們是否考慮到抵押貸款和汽車的費用?!被萜照f。)

10、Although hosted applications have many benefits, there are some concerns to take into consideration.(盡管駐留的應用程序有許多好處,但是要考慮一些問題。)

11、If you buy your dress in advance, you'll want to take into consideration how far along you'll be on your wedding day.(如果你已經提前購買了婚紗,你將會一直盼著結婚的那一天。)

12、In everything that we do, football must always be the first and most important element that we take into consideration.(無論我們做什么,我們考慮問題的首選和重心必須是足球。)

13、While designing the policy for a region, take into consideration the security requirements for deployment as well.(在設計一個區域的政策時,還應考慮到部署的安全需求。)

14、Even if you are prescribing medication, you must take into consideration cultural beliefs on medicines.(即使是開處方,也必須考慮到關于藥物的文化信仰。)

15、I: Do you have any particular conditions that you would like our company to take into consideration?(I:你還有什么特殊要求希望公司考慮?)

16、We are also seeing the need for adjusting our own lifestyles to take into consideration the good of the planet.(我們還將看到,我們需要調整自己的生活方式以考慮整個星球的利益。)

17、take into consideration all interactions during the day, with family, work, friends and businesses.(考慮到各個方面,家庭,工作,朋友,交易。)

18、Does the present solution take into consideration a user workload growth plan for the next 2 to 3 years?(當前解決方案考慮了未來2至3年的用戶工作負載增長計劃了嗎?)

19、It doesn't take into consideration session expiration, and it's not particularly elegant, but it works.(這個解決方案沒有考慮到會話過期,而且不太優雅,但是能夠起作用。)

20、take into consideration that more and more people can afford robots, and the time seems ripe to introduce robots to the ordinary family.(考慮到越來越多的人買得起機器人,把機器人介紹給普通家庭的時機似乎已經成熟了。)

21、Every SLA must take into consideration the service levels supported by downstream services and components it invokes.(每一份SLA都必須考慮所調用的下游服務和組件所支持的服務水平。)

22、The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions.(任何前科法官都將予以考慮。)

23、But there are a few critical things you need to take into consideration in making the decision.(但是有些關鍵點你應該在做決定時考慮。)









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take into consideration造句

22.The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions.(任何前科法官都將予以考慮。)
  • 熱門焦點



