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用lash out at造句子

來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-05-03 22:02:46

用lash out at造句子

1.They must act out some of their ideals and lash out at the wrongs of society.(他們必須采取行動了他們的一些理想和抨擊社會的不公。)
導讀1.They must act out some of their ideals and lash out at the wrongs of society.(他們必須采取行動了他們的一些理想和抨擊社會的不公。)

造句指懂得并使用字詞,按照一定的句法規則造出字詞通順、意思完整、符合邏輯的句子。依據現代語文學科特征,可延伸為寫段、作文的基礎,是學生寫好作文的基本功。造句來源清俞樾 《春在堂隨筆》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纖巧勝?!?夏丏尊葉圣陶《文心雕龍》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 樂華 用鉛筆記錄下來?!?/p>

下面為您提供關于【lash out at造句】內容,供您參考。

1、They must act out some of their ideals and lash out at the wrongs of society.(他們必須采取行動了他們的一些理想和抨擊社會的不公。)

2、Unable to control themselves, they lash out at their children, and sometimes the abuse results in death.(他們不能控制自己沖著孩子發脾氣,有時甚至發生虐待兒童致死的事件。)

3、Enraged officers usually fail to catch stone-lobbers, so lash out instead at families and residents nearby, accusing them, usually unfairly, of collusion.(印度官差們經常抓不住那些投石黨,暴怒之下,將附近的鄉黨一并株連,在不公的情況下以同謀問罪。)

4、They mock and lash out at musculinist culture implicitly or explicitly.(對男權文化或隱或顯的嘲弄與抨擊。)

5、It looks like a prison cell with a bunch of mad prisoners, ready to lash out at each other, which is basically what these rats are doing.(這看起來像是一間牢房里關了一群狂暴的犯人,每個人都隨時準備向別人撲過去,這差不多也正是這些老鼠正在做的事情。)

6、If you lash out at someone, you're only making yourself more angry.(如果你抨擊某人發,你只會另自己更加生氣。)

7、This event is often brought on by stress or trauma leading the confused young werewolf to lash out at whatever is hurting him.(這么的事時常是壓力或許外傷領導的,這將會導致疑惑的幼狼人猛力毆打那個危害他的家伙。)

8、If you don't like the way you're being treated, don't lash out at the other person, teach them, patiently train them; become better together, don't run from your training!(如果你不喜歡伴侶對待你的方式,不要猛烈地抨擊對方,要教給對方,耐心地去教;一起去進步,而不是從中逃跑!)

9、similarly, when people lash out at you with venomous criticism, you should not accept it passively.(同樣地,當別人以惡毒的批評諷刺你時,你不應該默默的承受。)

10、Some European leaders also like to lash out at globalisation.(一些歐洲領導人還喜歡抨擊全球化。)

11、If you lash out at someone, you're only making yourself more angry. Plus, you'll hurt yourself.(如果你抨擊某人發,你只會另自己更加生氣。另外,你會傷著自己。)

12、God thought enough of us to give us an earthly Guardian Angel and so many times, more than we could truthfully count this is the person we lash out at the most with the excuse it's OK it's only Mom.(老天爺很周到的賜給我們一個塵世的保衛天使,許多次,讓我們不敢去相信的是,這是一個我們帶著借口抨擊過最多次地人。)

13、It's a chance for inmates to pick up a new hobby, but it's also a part of the prison's dynamic security strategy: occupied prisoners are less likely to lash out at guards and one another.(這是犯人們培養新愛好的一個機會,但同時也是監獄的動態安全策略的一部分:全心投入到一件事情中時,犯人很少會和獄警或獄友發生沖突。)

14、Authority figures might lash out at you with criticism, indignation or accusations.(權威人士也許會批評你、怒斥你或者責備你。)

15、E. g. It seemed that he was going to lash out at the lady, but he controlled himself.(看起來他就要打那位女士,但他還是控制住了自己。)

16、Our normal reaction to anger is to "respond aggressively..." although "we can't physically lash out at every person or object that irritates or annoys us."(即使不能本能的攻擊惹怒我們的每一個人或物,但是一般人對憤怒都是帶有攻擊性的反應。)

17、People tend to lash out at family members because they believe those close to them will not abandon them, no matter what, Latz said.(人們更傾向于跟家庭成員發泄,因為他們相信那些親近的人無論怎樣都不會棄他們而去,萊茲說。)

18、If things didn't do the way he expected them to, he would lose his temper and lash out at others.(如果事情沒有他的話,他就會預期發脾氣,向別人。)









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用lash out at造句子

1.They must act out some of their ideals and lash out at the wrongs of society.(他們必須采取行動了他們的一些理想和抨擊社會的不公。)
  • 熱門焦點



