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來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-05-04 00:26:50


1.Choren is making hydrocarbon diesel and Range ethanol.(Choren生產的是烴柴油,Range生產的是乙醇。)
導讀1.Choren is making hydrocarbon diesel and Range ethanol.(Choren生產的是烴柴油,Range生產的是乙醇。)

造句指懂得并使用字詞,按照一定的句法規則造出字詞通順、意思完整、符合邏輯的句子。依據現代語文學科特征,可延伸為寫段、作文的基礎,是學生寫好作文的基本功。造句來源清俞樾 《春在堂隨筆》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纖巧勝?!?夏丏尊葉圣陶《文心雕龍》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 樂華 用鉛筆記錄下來?!?/p>


1、Choren is making hydrocarbon diesel and Range ethanol.(Choren生產的是烴柴油,Range生產的是乙醇。)

2、Flower structures can form hydrocarbon traps.(花狀構造能成為油氣圈閉。)

3、LS9 had previously reported using bacteria to produce hydrocarbon fuel, but this is the first time the researchers have revealed how they did it.(LS9之前報道了用細菌生產碳氫原料,但這次是研究者首次揭秘他們是如何做的。)

4、The natural process produces a collection of hydrocarbons of various lengths that are comparable to the hydrocarbon molecules in diesel.(這個自然過程產生的一系列長短不同的碳氫化合物,和柴油中的碳氫化合物分子相當。)

5、The present researches and application of isomerization catalysts of light-hydrocarbon are reviewed.(對烷烴異構化催化劑的研究現狀及應用進行了綜述。)

6、The particles can be transported through air or a hydrocarbon liquid without loss in enzymatic activity of the payload.(顆粒能通過空氣或液態碳氫化合物運輸,不會對有效負載的酶活性造成損失。)

7、hydrocarbon gases usually propane or butane kept under pressure.(烴類氣體,通常為儲存于高壓下的丙烷或丁烷。)

8、The enzyme aldehyde decarbonylase helps remove this group to form a chain of hydrogen and carbon atoms--the hydrocarbon.(乙醛脫羧酶幫助醛脫去羰基形成僅有碳氫原子組成的鏈,即碳氫化合物。)

9、He USES his country's vast hydrocarbon reserves to bully the neighbours.(他利用他國家的巨大能源儲量來威脅鄰國。)

10、The hydrocarbon then absorbs the heat which is evolved and moderates the violence of the reaction.(碳氫化合物然后吸收反應過程中產生的熱量從而緩和反應的劇烈程度。)

11、He looked back to see the hydrocarbon count registering from the exhaust sniffer.(他回頭看了看尾氣探測器顯示的碳氫化合物讀數。)

12、Russia can expand its hydrocarbon exports.(俄羅斯能夠擴大它的油氣出口。)

13、In this so-called "fire tetrahedron", heat breaks the chemical bonds of the fuel's hydrocarbon chains.(在這個所謂的“燃燒四面體”中,熱量打破了燃料的烴鏈上的化學鍵。)

14、Joule said it was the first company to patent an organism that secretes hydrocarbon fuel made continuously, directly from sunlight.(Joule說他們是第一家為可以直接利用太陽能連續分泌碳氫化合物染料的微生物申請專利的公司。)

15、Any simple alcohol is composed of a number of carbon and hydrogen atoms (like a hydrocarbon such as petrol) together with a single oxygen atom.(任何一種簡單醇類都是有大量的碳分子和氫分子(如同碳氫化合物,譬如汽油)以及單個氧原子組成。)

16、NASA's boat would parachute into one of Titan's hydrocarbon seas to check out its composition.(NASA的船可能會降在泰坦的其中一個碳氫海的里面,去檢測這里的構成。)

17、There are several chemical processes that can change one hydrocarbon into another.(幾個化攻過程就可以將一種碳氫化合物變成另一種。)

18、The countries of the Middle East might seem like the last places that would embrace non-hydrocarbon energy sources.(中東也許是世界上最后一塊接受非烴類燃料能源的土地了。)

19、The result is a molecule that's basically a pure—but synthetic—hydrocarbon, which means it's chemically identical to regular diesel.(結果,生成的分子基本是是一種純的而合成的合成氫類物質,與通用柴油的化學性質完全相同。)

20、these reactions increase the probability of incomplete combustion and are more likely to release uncombusted and photochemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the atmosphere.(這些反應增加了不完全燃燒的可能性,更有可能釋放未燃盡和光化學活性碳氫化合物到大氣中。)

21、The 150 to 200-year slopes of the sea level and glacier trends were unchanged by the very large increase in hydrocarbon.(自從1949年以來,有機物的大量使用并沒有使海平面和冰川的變化趨勢發生變化。)

22、The hydrocarbon-generating characteristics of filled resinite would depend on the properties of filled resins.(填充樹脂巖的生烴特性將取決于填充樹脂的性質。)

23、The cause of hydrocarbon is a important issue in the research of Natural Gas Hydrate.(烴類氣體的成因是天然氣水合物研究中的一個重要問題。)

24、The method is more efficient than others because it adds two carbon atoms at a time, rather than one, to the hydrocarbon molecules being formed.(這種方法比其他的更有效,因為它向構造中的碳氫化合物一次引入兩個碳原子而不是一個。)

25、Yet most aspirin manufacturing begins with benzene, a hydrocarbon that is typically derived from petroleum products.(但大部分廠家開始使用苯——一種由石油提煉的碳化氫來生產阿司匹林。)

26、The company's first fuel to market will probably not be a hydrocarbon.(LS9公司的第一個面市的產品可能不是碳氫化合物燃料。)

27、When a hydrocarbon is burned, these bonds break apart in order to form carbon dioxide and water.(當碳氫化合物燃燒時,該鍵被破壞以生成二氧化碳和水。)

28、But they are crying foul in their competition with an (admittedly undersized) non-hydrocarbon fuel-uranium.(但是他們現在因為一種(誠然,這只是一丁點)非烴類燃料——鈾的加入競爭而大叫不公。)









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1.Choren is making hydrocarbon diesel and Range ethanol.(Choren生產的是烴柴油,Range生產的是乙醇。)
  • 熱門焦點



