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民民造句 口臭吃什么好 用民民造句子 fainthearted造句 用fainthearted造句子 用弟弟造句子 洛德造句 用洛德造句子 回得來造句 用回得來造句子 brainstorm造句 用brainstorm造句子 脫發嚴重怎么辦 展品造句 用展品造句子 尿路感染吃什么消炎藥好 gravy造句 用gravy造句子 色盲能治好嗎 physicist造句 用春卷造句子 deprive造句 春卷造句 腦中風能治好嗎 用沒有造句子 用tackle造句子 孕婦中暑怎么辦 用正經八板造句子 tackle造句 正經八板造句 用焚身造句子 焚身造句 牙神經痛吃什么藥 用財務公司造句子 用段落造句子 財務公司造句 用affiliate造句子 段落造句 affiliate造句 用野丫頭造句子
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來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-05-04 01:41:20


3.Remember, dont deprive yourself of the foods you love.(記住,不要逼迫自己放棄喜歡的食物。)23.Dont deprive yourself.(不要剝奪你自己。)
導讀3.Remember, dont deprive yourself of the foods you love.(記住,不要逼迫自己放棄喜歡的食物。)23.Dont deprive yourself.(不要剝奪你自己。)

造句指懂得并使用字詞,按照一定的句法規則造出字詞通順、意思完整、符合邏輯的句子。依據現代語文學科特征,可延伸為寫段、作文的基礎,是學生寫好作文的基本功。造句來源清俞樾 《春在堂隨筆》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纖巧勝?!?夏丏尊葉圣陶《文心雕龍》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 樂華 用鉛筆記錄下來?!?/p>


1、How do we not deprive our youngest child of what our other children had because we had more money then?(她說“前兩個孩子有的,最小的孩子也不能缺,但是我們的錢沒有從前那樣多了?!?

2、In 1530 it meant to paralyze, deaden, stupefy, to stun or deprive of sensation, as by a blow.(1530年,它的意思是使人癱瘓、麻木、失去知覺、昏迷或者喪失感覺,就好像被人猛打了一頓。)

3、Remember, don't deprive yourself of the foods you love.(記住,不要逼迫自己放棄喜歡的食物。)

4、So the plan would deprive many and probably most seniors of adequate health care.(因此,這份計劃將剝奪許多人(大部分可能是老年人)足夠的醫保權益。)

5、This will deprive your body of vital energy needs.(這將剝奪你身體對生命能量的需求。)

6、Such programs make the games easier to play, though they may deprive players of the excitement in online games.(網絡游戲因此類程序的出現而變得更容易上手,這也可能讓玩家喪失了玩游戲的部分樂趣。)

7、It would be wrong to purposely deprive people of an essential nutrient in order to study the effects.(為了獲得實驗結果而有目的地剝奪人所需的基本營養素的做法是不對的。)

8、They are usually regarded as spiritual victims of fast-paced jobs which deprive them of learning time.(他們通常被視為當下快節奏職場中的精神犧牲品。)

9、Now let's say you deprive yourself of sleep for a week.(現在假設你一個星期都不能睡覺。)

10、It is betraying the public's will to deprive animals of their lives casually and brutally.(任意地殘害剝奪動物的生命,是為大眾所不容的。)

11、Joe doesn't deprive himself of food.(喬是不會讓自己餓肚子的。)

12、Why should you deprive yourself of such simple pleasures?(你為什么連這種簡單的娛樂也不讓自己享受一下呢?)

13、If we don't, we deprive others of the knowledge of our love and ourselves of the joy that comes from expressing it.(如果做不到這一點,我們就剝奪了他人通過愛的交流了解我們的權利,也剝奪了我們自己在表達情感時的歡樂。)

14、Remember, don't deprive yourself of the foods you love. All foods can fit into a well-balanced diet.(記住,不要逼迫自己放棄喜歡的食物。均衡的飲食包含所有的食物。)

15、They wanted to deprive us of the unity that defines us as a people.(他們想剝奪我們定義作為人民的團結。)

16、Being single can deprive you of your ability to enjoy life.(單身,會讓你失去享受生活的能力。)

17、Could I deprive her of her lifelong lie, without opening some vision of a future to her?(我能夠無需啟開她未來的生活視野而剝奪她一生的謊言嗎?)

18、but what happens if you deprive yourself too much is that it usually leads to overeating.(但是如果你強迫自己太厲害了通常會導致暴飲暴食。)

19、Now lump-of-labourites say that keeping the old at work would deprive the young of employment.(現在勞動總量固定論者表示讓老人繼續工作會使年輕人無法就業。)

20、But the deal would deprive Iran of any justification for enriching to higher levels itself.(然而,簽署這份協議后,伊朗將無法再為制造更高濃縮比例的濃縮鈾自圓其說。)

21、We do this because we usually deprive our bodies of adequate calories the first half of the day.(我們這樣做的原因,是我們在白天的時候通常剝奪了我們身體需要的充足卡路里。)

22、Sleep! deprive your brain of sleep long enough and you’ll simply go crazy.(睡覺!剝奪你大腦睡足夠久時間的權利你將會發瘋。)

23、Don't deprive yourself.(不要剝奪你自己。)

24、Nobody has the right to deprive us Cubans on the island of what they enjoy quite naturally abroad.(沒有人有權利剝奪我們古巴人在國外的權利。)

25、To deprive the boy of his education is a violation of state law.(剝奪這個男孩的受教育權是一種違反州法律的行為。)

26、Are you going to deprive me of my right not to sit down?(難道你要剝奪我的不坐權嗎?)

27、Don't try and deprive me of the pleasure of giving you a treat!(別想剝奪我款待你的樂趣!)









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3.Remember, dont deprive yourself of the foods you love.(記住,不要逼迫自己放棄喜歡的食物。)23.Dont deprive yourself.(不要剝奪你自己。)
  • 熱門焦點



