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來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2024-03-16 21:34:37


The reason why the Song Dynasty is referred to as "Dongjing" in English can be attributed to historical and cultural factors。
導讀The reason why the Song Dynasty is referred to as "Dongjing" in English can be attributed to historical and cultural factors。

The reason why the Song Dynasty is referred to as "Dongjing" in English can be attributed to historical and cultural factors.

During the Song Dynasty, there were two imperial capitals: Kaifeng (previously known as Bianjing) and Hangzhou. Kaifeng was the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127), while Hangzhou served as the capital during the Southern Song Dynasty (1127–1279).

The term "Dongjing" in Chinese means "Eastern Capital." It was used to distinguish the two imperial capitals and avoid confusion. Kaifeng was located in the eastern part of the empire, while Hangzhou was situated further south-east.

When translating historical terms such as city names, it is common to use a literal translation to retain the historical and cultural context. Therefore, "Dongjing" is translated as "Eastern Capital" in English to reflect its original meaning.

Additionally, retaining the original name helps preserve the historical significance of the city. Kaifeng, as the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was a prominent political and cultural center during that period. It witnessed significant developments in art, literature, science, and governance.

Using the term "Eastern Capital" allows English speakers to identify the specific city being referred to and acknowledge its historical relevance. It also helps maintain consistency and accuracy in historical discussions and research.

Furthermore, translating "Dongjing" as "Eastern Capital" helps differentiate it from other important cities in China, such as Beijing (the capital of the Ming and Qing Dynasties) and Nanjing (the capital of several dynasties, including the Ming Dynasty).

In conclusion, the reason why the Song Dynasty is referred to as "Dongjing" in English is to maintain its historical and cultural context, preserve the significance of Kaifeng as the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, and avoid confusion with other Chinese cities with similar historical importance.

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The reason why the Song Dynasty is referred to as "Dongjing" in English can be attributed to historical and cultural factors。
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